A daily practice to get into the top management consulting firms

Punya Sandhu
Aug 11, 2021
(1)Let’s see how the interviews at top consulting firms work and then work backward to see what skills are needed to ace them.
(2)Once we’ve identified your strengths and mapped them to this list, we can come up with the skills/behaviors you need to develop to get into these top Consulting firms.
(3)Then, based on how your peers are learning these skills, we can outline an approach for you to do this as well.

See what I did there?

#1 above identifies the target state

#2 talks about performing a gap analysis

#3 outlines a roadmap and plan to get to the target state

Welcome to thinking like a Consultant.

If you can showcase a Consulting mindset in any interview, you’re golden.


Now let’s really see the types of interviews that Consulting firms have and what exactly you need to ace them:

1. Behavioral interviews:

These may seem the easiest but actually are the most tricky to ace. There are many factors that top Consulting firms consider when evaluating whether the candidate will be a good fit:

· Communication skills

· Executive Presence

· Self-confidence

· Willing to constantly learn and evolve

· Listening skills

· Team worker

· Maturity

· Interpersonal skills

· Culture fit

· Leadership skills

At the end of the day though, the interviewer will ask him/herself the question: “Would I want to work with / for this person?”

Consulting is a profession that is built on relationships, and if you can showcase (via your answers / anecdotes) that you have the right attitude and EQ to be an asset to your team and seniors, and build trust in client relationships, it will take you to the Finish line.

2. Business Case interviews

So many candidates get tripped up here because they think they have to arrive at the exact answer to the case. The key thing to remember about case interviews is that you are being evaluated on your thought process and the ability to communicate that thought process in a clear and simple manner.

Here’s a list of the key skills you will be evaluated on in the business case interviews:

· Presentation skills

· Attention to detail

· Big Picture thinking

· Problem solver

· Managing ambiguity

· Ramp up quickly

· Simplify

Keep in mind that the skills I mentioned for each interview type will overlap. For instance, you may be asked to present a case with other candidates as a team. In this case, not only do you have to show executive presence and good communication skills, you also need to display team work and leadership skills.

3. Industry knowledge:

This interview is exactly what it sounds like – to evaluate your knowledge of the key industry trends and awareness. Questions will usually focus on:

· The top 3 industry trends that impact xyz industry (your specialization or degree major)

· How these trends may impact our clients (think Fortune 50 CEOs, CFOs, CDOs, CROs etc.)

· How can we as consultants bridge the gap (again – this question is more to see how you think vs. the exact answer)


This is when you need to really think about all your strengths and development areas and figure out where you need to add the polish so you can showcase the skills needed for each of the above interviews.

Do you need to work on your presentation skills, case analysis ability or industry knowledge? Be fair and rate yourself (1 low to 5 high ) on all the skills listed above. Then pick the list of all the 1s and start from there.


Now that you have defined where you need to go (target state) and what areas to work on to get there (gap analysis), what are the exact steps you will take to work on your gaps?

Outline a plan that takes you from your current state to your target and list out all the steps you will take to get there:

· Will you brush up on case models by reading case interview books like Case in Point?

· Will you join a Toastmasters to practice presenting to an audience?

· Will you start reading the Economist or Finimize daily to get up to speed on the latest industry and economic trends?

Congratulations! Just by doing this exercise, you have started building your Consulting mindset.

But, keep in mind - the skills you need to get into consulting are not what will help you succeed in the first year. That’s when you play in the big leagues and need to focus on building additional skills like networking, client relationships, project management, running client workshops/meetings, building and developing teams and building your own brand.

This is what I love most about Consulting - it constantly challenges you to up your game.

P.S: Enjoyed this? Here are a few ways you can get more:
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Got more questions on Consulting? Comment below or email me at punya@byondgood.com.
Punya is a former management consultant with 15 years of experience at 2 Big4 firms, serving top Fortune500 clients. She has lived and worked in 6 countries and changed 3 careers working across several industries. Punya is passionate about coaching new and aspiring Consultants to succeed in Management Consulting.